Pain Management Through Hypnosis

Pain Management Frequently Asked Questions

When you feel discomfort across any body part, you’re feeling pain. This concept is a subjective one because everyone has a different tolerance for pain. A cut on the finger could be a bother for one person, whereas it’s a stinging sensation over many hours for other individuals. Pain is generally divided into two categories, including chronic and acute types.

A chronic pain tends to last over several days, weeks or years. This pain, however, usually remains as a mild to moderate feeling. In contrast, an acute pain is sharp and isolated. It may be extremely painful, but it only lasts a short time. In the end, you are the only person that can really describe your pain effectively to another person.

How Does Cancer Contribute to Pain?

Cancer is a widespread disease that can affect nearly any part of the body. You might know people who seem perfectly healthy, but they’re currently fighting a cancer diagnosis. These individuals may be in mild, moderate or severe pain because cancer affects everyone differently. A tumor might grow large and press against organs, for example. Nerve and blood vessel pain is common because of multiple cancerous tumors growing throughout the body. When a patient has metastasized, cancer can even clog blood vessels. In addition, pain levels are often defined by the cancer’s stage. A terminal patient in stage 4 breast cancer will usually be in more pain than a stage 1 patient.

Your pain doesn’t have to be directly caused by the cancer itself either. Strong treatments, from biopsies to chemotherapy, create painful conditions for your body as it heals afterward. In these cases, your pain relief might be a slow process because the body is trying to fight the cancer and recover from a stressful surgery simultaneously. Pain can also be related to your psychological health. Worries over the disease and other concerns can easily create headaches and body aches.

What Are Patients’ Options to Manage Daily Pain?

Pain can be a debilitating feeling that affects both your mind and body. Finding the root cause of the pain is the smartest way to combat it. Initially, your doctor will evaluate the painful area using basic physical cues. You might require a biopsy where part or all of the tumor is removed. Although you’ll have pain after the surgery, you should feel relief in the area because the accumulation is no longer taking up space in your body.

Doctors use other treatments to reduce pain too, such as radiation therapy. However, there are times when treating the pain symptoms is necessary. You could receive pain medication and alternative relief options. Mental imagery and relaxation techniques are often taught for moderate pain relief.


What Is My Diagnosis?

These questions can help you get answers regarding the nature and cause of your pain:

  • Have you been able to determine the source of my pain?
  • If so, what is it, and what is the formal diagnosis? (Ask your doctor to write it down if it’s hard to remember!)
  • How did you reach this diagnosis?
  • Do you need to confirm the diagnosis with tests?
  • Do I or you need a second opinion?
  • Is there any reason this may have occurred? Is it hereditary, or connected to other health issues?
  • What is the prognosis for this diagnosis?

Because some patients may not have a direct cause for their worst pain, a formal diagnosis is not always possible. Even if you don’t receive a diagnosis, though, there are still steps to take and questions you can ask to find some level of pain relief.

What Are My Treatment Options?

These questions can be tailored, so they’re applicable whether you are able to get a formal diagnosis or not:

  • What are my treatment options?
  • Which treatment plan works best, for whom, and why?
  • How effective are the treatments for reducing my pain?
  • What, if any, medications are recommended?
  • Are there any side effects or risks to the recommended medications or treatments?
  • How long do medications or treatment options take to work?
  • Are there other options if one treatment fails to work or if I have an allergic reaction?
  • Which, if any, of these treatments and medications are covered by my insurance? What are the relative costs, and are there trials or assistance programs I may be eligible for?
  • Do you have a relationship with any of the drug manufacturers that make the medications we just discussed?


Symptoms you shouldn’t ignore

While neck and back pain are common, some symptoms call for prompt attention. If you have back pain that has lasted longer than three months, or any of these other symptoms, call your doctor immediately:

  • Pain caused by a serious injury
  • Pain that travels down one or both legs
  • Pain that worsens when you sneeze or cough, or pain that wakes you up at night
  • Pain in your abdomen or changes in your bowel or bladder habits
  • Fever, weight loss or swelling or weakness


Why does RA hurt?

The inflammation from RA causes painful swelling. Nodules can form at pressure points, such as your elbows. These can occur almost anywhere on your body. These nodules can become tender and painful.

What are my medical options for managing pain?

Your doctor will go over several strategies for managing your pain. These include prescription and over-the-counter drugs as well as other medical treatments. All of these medications have their own set of side effects. Ask your doctor about the risks and benefits.

Pain relievers

You likely already have nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, in your medicine cabinet. These drugs include common over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) and naproxen (Aleve). These medications are good for relieving pain and inflammation.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) may also be used to relieve pain, but it will not help with inflammation. It can be used alone or in combination with NSAIDs.

DMARDs and biologics

Disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) work by reducing the inflammation that can cause pain. These drugs actually slow the progression of RA and can prevent permanent damage. Biologic drugs specifically target the cells of the immune system and pro-inflammatory molecules involved in inflammation.

Learn more: Rheumatoid arthritis DMARDs list »

Corticosteroid injections

Corticosteroids can be injected directly into the joint. They can relieve pain and inflammation for weeks at a time. Trigger point injections involve injecting a numbing medication into your muscle. They may help with RA-related muscle pain.

Alternative treatments

Your doctor may refer you to practitioners who specialize in alternative treatment options. Alternative treatments include massage, acupuncture, or topical electrical nerve stimulation. Ask your doctor about any risks involved in alternative treatments. Also ask about the results you might expect from treatment.


How should I exercise?

You likely know that overdoing any activity can make joints tender and sore. However, it may be a surprise to learn that sitting or lying still for long periods of time can make joints even more stiff and painful. Ask your doctor about what types of exercise are safe for you. Also ask them which forms of fitness would be most effective for your RA.

In general, low-impact or no-impact exercises are good choices for strengthening muscles and loosening joints. Water aerobics and swimming are good options. Look up if there are exercises classes in your area. If not, ask your doctor how you can exercise at home. Gentle stretching may also aid in pain relief. As a bonus, you may even lose some weight. Weight loss could make a big difference in the amount of stress on your joints and could help ease your pain.

What To Know Before Leaving The Eye Care Center

Eye examinations

A regular eye examination is an important health check for everyone. You should have an eye examination every two years or as often as recommended by your optician, even if you don’t have any problems with your sight.

An eye examination can often detect the early signs of many eye and general health conditions before you become aware of any symptoms. This includes glaucoma, diabetes, raised blood pressure or cholesterol levels.

You are entitled to a NHS free eye examination if you are:

Over 60 years old

Registered severely sight impaired or sight impaired

A person with diabetes or glaucoma

Aged 40 or over and have a close relative with glaucoma

Considered to be at risk of glaucoma by an ophthalmologist

Under 16 or under 19 and still in full-time education

Needing a prescription classed as complex lenses

Receiving the following benefits: income support, income based job seekers allowance, pension credit guarantee or income-based employment & support allowance (or your partner is receiving them)

Entitled to, or named on, a valid tax credit exemption certificate or a HC2 certificate

There are restrictions on how often you can have a free eye examination. If you have more than the amount permitted you will be charged the private eye examination fee.

If you are housebound you may be entitled to an NHS-funded mobile sight test,


Tips for Healthy Vision

See well for a lifetime: here are some tips to maintain healthy vision as you age.

Aging is a process that brings many changes. Vision loss and blindness, however, do not have to be one of them. There are several simple steps you can take to keep your eyes healthy for the rest of your life.

Visiting an eye care professional regularly for a comprehensive dilated eye exam is the most important thing you can do to reduce your risk of vision loss as you age. Although your vision may seem fine, age-related eye diseases often have no symptoms

A comprehensive dilated eye exam is different from the basic eye exam or screening you have for glasses or contacts. By dilating the pupils and examining the back of the eyes, your eye care professional can detect eye diseases in their early stages, before vision loss occurs

Through a comprehensive dilated eye exam, your eye care professional can check for early signs of—

Age-related macular degeneration, which gradually destroys the macula, the part of the eye that provides sharp, central vision.

Cataract, a clouding of the lens in the eye.

Diabetic retinopathy, a complication of diabetes that damages blood vessels in the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye.

Glaucoma, a group of diseases that can cause fluid and pressure to build up in the eye and damage the optic nerve.

Early diagnosis and treatment are the best ways to prevent vision loss. If you have been diagnosed with an eye disease or condition, work with your eye care professional to learn about your treatment options.


Healthy Living, Healthy Vision

Avoid Smoking

Quitting smoking can have many good effects on your health. Avoiding smoking can also protect the health of your eyes. By quitting smoking, you can help to possibly reduce your risk of developing several different types of eye diseases.

Eat Healthy Foods

Lifelong good nutrition may lower your risk of some eye diseases. By eating a healthy, balanced diet, you will have a better chance of staying healthy and keeping your eyes healthy. A lifetime diet rich in certain dark green vegetables, such as spinach and kale, may reduce your risk of getting AMD.

Stay Active

Staying active is part of a healthy lifestyle that can improve your overall health. Exercising regularly can reduce your risk of developing problems that can lead to eye disease

Control Your Blood Pressure

Controlling your blood pressure is not just a good idea for your heart. It is also a good idea for protecting your eyesight. High blood pressure can increase your risk for glaucoma. It may also increase your risk for diabetic retinopathy if you have diabetes.

Protect Your Eyes from the Sun

You already know that you need to wear sunscreen to protect your skin from ultraviolet (UV) rays when you are outdoors. But do you know that you also need to wear protective sunglasses to protect your eyes from those same UV rays


Important Tips

Proper contact lens care is vital for your eye health. The best way to avoid infection is to follow your eye doctor’s care instructions. The following are some suggestions your eye doctor will likely recommend.

Wash, rinse, and dry hands thoroughly before handling contact lenses.

Use soap that is free of oils, lotions, or perfumes.

Dry hands with a lint-free towel.

Use fingertips to handle contact lens (not fingernails and/or sharp objects like tweezers).

Check to ensure the contact lens is moist, clean, and damage free before attempting to insert in your eye. Never put a damaged contact lens in your eye.

How to care for contact lenses is dependent on the type of contact lenses and solution recommended by your eye care professional. In addition to these tips, be sure to follow your eye care professional’s directions and package insert instructions for a successful, comfortable contact lens experience. Contact lenses should be replaced according to the schedule provided by your eye care professional. Additionally, always remember to use fresh solution when caring for your contact lenses.

DO: Stick strictly to the wearing schedule prescribed by your eye care professional and replace your contact lenses as directed.

DON’T: “Stretch” your lens wear beyond its intended use. Never wear daily disposable lenses longer than one day. And never wear your lenses beyond what your eye care professional recommends.

DO: Clean, rinse, and disinfect your contact lenses with fresh solution each time you remove them. Always remember to use fresh solution. Do not add more solution on top of what’s already in the case.

DON’T: Use saliva, tap water, or anything other than fresh contact lens solutions for lubricating, rewetting, and/or cleaning your lenses.

DO: If your eyes become red, irritated, or your vision changes, remove your lenses immediately and consult your eye care professional.

DON’T: Let the tip of solution bottles touch other surfaces – including your fingers, eyes or contact lenses



The use of avocado is a growing trend in the culinary world just about everywhere. The fresh flavor of avocado can make any dish shine during the hot summer days! A common party treat is guacamole, which consists of mashed up avocado, diced onions, tomato, and varying mixtures of seasoning, this is paired typically with tortilla chips. Setting aside the obvious delicious flavor of avocado, it actually provides nutrients that promote good eye health!

The reason avocado is good for your eyes is the high amount of lutein that is found in it. A single ounce of avocado contains 80 micrograms of lutein—most lutein supplements only give you 10 mcg! So, what is lutein? And why should you care about adding it to your daily diet?

Lutein is a natural antioxidant that is said to help maintain eye health as you age. The American Optometric Associate claims that lutein is a carotenoid that filters harmful blue light—this helps to maintain healthy cells within your eye. Currently we know about 600 different carotenoids that exist in nature, and lutein is one of only two that benefit the retina of your eye. This means that lutein can help prevent Age-Related Macular Degeneration. The human body does not synthesize the lutein it needs to help your eyes fight Macular Degeneration, and for this very reason it is a good idea to add some avocado to your diet!

Avocado is a versatile ingredient and can be added to many different types of dishes: salads, salsa, soup, and sandwiches are all easy targets for added avocado. The best part about making food is being creative! So have some fun with it and try some new things

Eye Care Specialist Differences

How do I choose the right eye doctor?

A close look at the different types of eye doctors

Eye care is provided by a few types of trained health professionals. Who are they, and what’s the difference between them? And when you need eye Eye care and vision care, how can you figure out who’s the best eye doctor near me to call for an appointment?


An optician is trained specially to design, fit, and supply devices for vision correction. That includes dispensing eyeglasses, contact lenses, low vision aids, and depending upon the particular optician’s qualifications, sometimes they also provide ophthalmic prosthetics.

Where they work: opticians practice in several settings, including hospitals, medical offices, eye care centers, and retail optical stores


An optometrist, also called a “doctor of optometry,” is a licensed physician who is qualified to check your visual acuity, prescribe vision corrections and diagnose and treat various eye conditions. In all states, optometrists can perform dilated comprehensive eye exams to diagnose eye diseases, such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy. They are also able to prescribe drugs – topical (eye drops and ointments), injectable, and oral medications (in most states), such as antibiotics, antivirals, oral steroids, and pain medications for a variety of conditions


An ophthalmologist is a physician who has received the greatest amount of specialized education on the physiology, anatomy, and diseases of the eye. As a combined medical-surgical specialist, an ophthalmologist is trained to perform eye surgeries, yet not all ophthalmologists do perform surgical procedures.


How to Choose the Best Eye Surgeon for Cataract Surgery

If you have been told that you need cataract surgery to improve your vision, it is important to choose an eye surgeon with experience and skill. After all, you want to have the best possible outcome from your surgery. But, with so many providers offering cataract surgery, how can you know you are choosing a doctor you can trust with something as important as your vision?

Consider the type of procedure.

Find a provider with significant experience with the specific type of procedure you are going to have. While many providers offer standard cataract surgery, other procedures, such as laser cataract surgery and dropless cataract surgery, require more specialized knowledge and skill. Make sure the provider you are considering has experience with the technologies required for your kind surgery.

Be comfortable with the people involved.

While you will not be spending a great deal of time at your surgeon’s office, it is still important to feel comfortable with the surgeon as well as with the staff who will be assisting on the day of your cataract surgery

Make sure your surgeon explains the procedure to your satisfaction.

Although eye surgery is an extremely common procedure for your surgeon and the supporting staff, it’s not a common occurrence for you. Look for an eye surgeon who will take the time to listen to your questions and concerns. Your surgeon should also explain the various types of surgical procedures for cataracts, including potential complications associated with each one.

if You Need Cataract Surgery, Count on New Vision Eye Center

No eye surgeon or clinic should ever guarantee with 100% certainty that they will be able to fully restore your vision; if a clinic makes such a claim, think twice about using their services. You should choose an eye surgeon who is committed to helping patients achieve the best vision possible through cataract surgeries, and who has considerable experience, skill, and knowledge in the field.



Eye care location covers all your eye care needs by giving you the most advanced, accessible treatments and services possible. When you walk through our doors, you are greeted by a staff of friendly, knowledgeable eye care professionals committed to giving you the most effective, personalized treatments available. Choosing eye care means choosing most trustworthy full-range eye care provider, so stop in today and become part of the eye care family.


Our staff of skilled eye doctors are among the most experienced eye care professionals. From routine eye exams to LASIK consultations, eye care does it all, so you can worry less about driving from specialist to specialist and more about getting the appointments and prescriptions you need. We believe that being the best in eye care isn’t only about having the most talented eye doctors, but also the kindest. We are a family-run business and promise to make you always feel welcome in our office. Our expert optometrists ensure you feel heard and respected during every visit and leave feeling ready to take on your day with healthy eyes and clear vision


When you schedule an eye exam, you can rest assured you’re getting the most advanced, comprehensive eye exam to check for vision impairment and common eye diseases. This helps our optometrists determine how your eyes are playing a role in your overall health. Eye care exams are not only designed to correct current vision problems you may have but also to prevent future ones from arising. We know how important eyes are to your daily life, so we take the time to ensure your vision remains clear.


With our skilled doctors’ top-of-the-line services, you’ll never have to worry about bad vision preventing you from living your life. Eye care experienced optometrists provide you with routine prescription checks, glasses prescriptions, and contact lens prescriptions. We offer you sunglasses, eyeglasses, reading glasses, and contacts for any prescription type. We also carry safety eyewear, so your eyes don’t just look good, but they’re protected too. Our eye doctors work closely with you to determine your needs and give you the best quality frames and lenses to match your lifestyle and budget.


We understand how difficult it can be for you to find that perfect pair of glasses that complement your face and lifestyle, especially without hurting your wallet. We know you deserve the latest styles in eyewear, so we give you fashionable glasses at everyday prices. Eye care selection of designer sunglasses and glasses for men and women are the perfect way to take your everyday look from drab to fab. To make sure you find exactly what you’re looking for, we even carry our own brand of designer-quality frames at off-brand prices.


How to choose eye glasses frames that suit your face

When you have to wear glasses, the most important part of the process is choosing the right eye glasses frames. Of course your eye specialist can help you with selecting the ideal pair, but it helps to relieve the frustration and save some time if you can narrow down your choices from the beginning. Knowing the shape of your face and what best suits your eye coloring and skin tone is the best way to start.

There are three very important factors to consider when hunting for the perfect eye glasses frames for you:

Your eyewear should highlight your eye color, such as green frames for green eyes or similar.

The shape of the frame should contrast the shape of your face.

The size of the frame should be in scale with the size of your face.

Round face – this type of face features no angles, with the width and length of the face with the same proportions. Angular or narrow glasses can make a round face appear thinner and longer. Choose a clear bridge to widen the eyes and frames that are wider than they are deep

Oblong face – this type of face is longer than it is wide with a long cheek line. Frames that have more depth than width will give the appearance of a shorter and more balanced face. Choosing a low bridge will shorten the entire appearance too.

Oval face – this type of face offers somewhat balanced proportions. It is common to choose eye glasses frames that are wider than the broadest part of the face.


How to choose eye drops

Whether you are experiencing irritation from  dry eyes for the first time, or have been suffering for many years, one of the mainstays of your management will be some form of eye drop. Depending upon where you are in the world, who you speak to or what emphasis the manufacturer wants to put on a specific range you may hear products for dry eyes referred to as

Now that we have that settled, the confusing part really does start. How to choose the best product for you from the 100s on the market. There is no easy answer to this and some trial and error will be necessary. We hope we can give you some pointers to help you distinguish between different products and work out why some may or may not be more suitable for you.


Eye drops to help lubricate the surface of the eyes have been around for many years and over that time their function, form and uses have evolved. Initially they were usually only available on prescription from your doctor and some older types still are. Newer products tend to be licensed in a different way so can usually be bought over the counter

1st generation:

These add volume or bulk to the tear film and typically contain ingredients like hypromellose, cellulose or glycerine and are often preserved.

2nd generation:

These have staying power so do not need to be used as often.  They contain ingredients like sodium hyaluronate (also referred to hyaluronic acid) or HP guar and will usually be preservative-free or utilise a ‘soft‘ preservative.

Tips To Be A Pediatric

How to Become a Pediatric Nurse

Pediatric Nursing

Pediatric nursing is a specialization of the nursing profession that focuses on pediatrics and the medical care of children, from infancy to the teenage years. This is an important field because the health of children is distinct from that of adults due to the growth and development that occurs throughout childhood.

It is worth noting that a certification as a pediatric nurse is not required to work as a nurse for children. However, obtaining specialized knowledge and training helps to improve job prospects and is recommended for nurses who have a passion for caring for children.


The Basics

What you’ll do: Pediatric nurses provide preventative and acute care in all settings to children and adolescents. Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (PNPs) perform physical exams, diagnose illness and injury, and provide education and support to patients’ families. They often work in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) with pediatricians and other health care providers.

Minimum degree you’ll need to practice: Pediatric nurses are registered nurses (RNs) and usually have four-year Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing degrees (BSNs).

Certification: Certification for pediatric nurses and pediatric nurse practitioners is available from the Pediatric Nursing Certification Board (PNCB).

Career Overview

Pediatric nurses and pediatric nurse practitioners work in a wide range of settings from doctor’s offices and community-based settings to hospitals and critical care facilities. Here’s what you’ll do and how to become a pediatric nurse.

Primary care services may include:

  • Health maintenance care, including “well child” examinations
  • Routine developmental screenings
  • Diagnosis and treatment of common childhood illnesses
  • Anticipatory guidance regarding common child health concerns
  • Delivery of immunizations
  • Performance of school physicals

Acute care and specialty services may include:

  • Caring for children who are acutely, chronically or critically ill
  • Performing in-depth physical assessments
  • Interpreting results of laboratory and diagnostic tests
  • Ordering medications and performing therapeutic treatments

Some pediatric nurses and nurse practitioners focus on a pediatric specialty area, such as cardiology, dermatology, gastroenterology or oncology.


What Does Your Pediatrician Do?

They’ll see your child many times from birth to age 2 and once a year from ages 2 to 5 for “well-child visits.” After age 5, your pediatrician will likely continue to see your child every year for annual checkups. They’re also the first person to call whenever your child is sick.

To take care of your child, your pediatrician will:

  • Do physical exams
  • Give your child vaccinations
  • Make sure she meets milestones in growth, behavior, and skills
  • Diagnose and treat your child’s illnesses, infections, injuries, and other health problems
  • Give you information about your child’s health, safety, nutrition, and fitness needs
  • Answer your questions about your little one’s growth and development
  • Refer you to specialists if they think your child needs expert care


What you should know before becoming a pediatric nurse

Now that you’ve got the basic lay of the land down, here’s what the experts think you should know about the day-to-day life of a pediatric nurse.

1. Listening and observation is key

Nurses interact face-to-face with patients more than any other provider. With adult patients it’s relatively simple to get information about what ails them—but working with young patients can bring unique challenges on this front. Though a child’s medical chart may cover quite a bit, many crucial pieces of information still need to be gathered from the patients and the family. Factors like lack of financial resources, additional life stressors and transportation concerns can greatly influence the patient’s care plan.

Additionally, pediatric nurses will need to keep a close eye out for non-verbal clues. “Patients in all age ranges need nurses to listen, but our pediatric patients cannot always articulate their specific needs through verbal communication,” says Cobb.

Once you get comfortable in your role as a pediatric nurse, it may be tempting to tune out what you might think is extraneous chatter. Listening to the concerns of both parent and child will only further assist you in giving the best care possible for your patient.

2. Kids are resilient

“Kids are very resilient and they heal more quickly than adults. This can be an advantage as health outcomes are generally more promising in pediatrics,” says Tyler Dean, certified pediatric nurse and Associate Professor at Rasmussen College.

A 4-year old can go from crying about an IV stick to giggling a minute later. Working in pediatrics allows you to play a huge part in those giggles. “The most rewarding aspect of working in pediatrics is that you can play, make jokes and be a little goofy at times,” Dean says. Not only is that good for the kids, it’s good for you too. Nursing can be very stressful and these interactions can bring joy to a normal day.

3. You’ll be working with families just as much as you will with children

A patient’s family is an integral part of their recovery, so it’s key that you communicate with them just as effectively as you do with the child.

“Pediatric nurses utilize a family-centered approach, which means you include, engage, and educate all members of the family along with the patient,” Dean says. And don’t forget the patient’s siblings! Often, as the family is stressed and focused on the patient, siblings get ignored, so it means a lot for nurses to acknowledge the siblings’ emotions and presence.

4. You can further specialize with pediatrics

Just as nurses can specialize when working in adult care, pediatric nurses can too. Whether you’re interested in intensive care, emergency care, orthopedics, oncology, trauma, gastroenterology, home healthcare, the NICU or case management, it’s likely you’ll be able to find a pediatric department that aligns with your interests.

The duties are typically similar to the adult equivalent specialty you may be more familiar with, though the ways you communicate and interact with the patient will be different. You’ll look for different developmental markers and rely on information communicated by the patient’s family. You may also need to be more observant of visual and behavioral clues since younger patients may have trouble articulating exactly how they feel or what they need.

5. You’ll have to take care of yourself too

Depending on where you work as a pediatric nurse, you may be caring for children with terminal illnesses or other very serious health issues. While you won’t be the one delivering the bad news initially or working with the family in the long run, learning how to navigate these situations in a positive way can have a positive impact on the family.

But even if you handle tough situations with families perfectly, seeing the pain in family members’ faces in tough medical situations can be emotionally taxing especially as you listen and stay present with them as they grieve. As with all types of nursing, it is important to take care of yourself and have a professional relationship with your patients and their families so you can return the next day and dedicate yourself 100 percent to those patients as well.

Your team will be able to relate to what you’re going through and members may be able to help you verbally process your thoughts, emotions and feelings after stressful days. The charge nurse or chaplain may also check in with you as well. On your own, finding time to refuel, spend time with loved ones and invest in your own hobbies is key to prevent burnout. “We are still human—it’s okay to cry or ask for help,” says Dean.


Pediatric Cardiologist Job Description

We are looking for an experienced Pediatric Cardiologist to treat our young patients by performing non-invasive procedures or, when necessary, carrying out surgical intervention. Your responsibilities will include undertaking various tests, making diagnoses, providing treatment plans and options, and working with other physicians and surgeons to treat patients’ heart and/or cardiovascular disorders.

To be successful as a Pediatric Cardiologist you will need to enjoy being around children and demonstrate emotional resilience in challenging medical situations.

Pediatric Cardiologist Responsibilities:

  • Consulting with patients and their parents to understand symptoms and health concerns.
  • Prescribing tests, treatments, and/or surgery, when necessary.
  • Maintaining detailed notes of appointments with patients, including comments, tests and/or treatments prescribed, and test results.
  • Performing tests, when needed, to check the health of patients’ hearts and/or cardiovascular systems.
  • Interpreting test results to determine how effectively the heart and/or cardiovascular system is functioning.
  • Using medical imaging equipment, such as CT and MRI scanners, to diagnose and treat heart and/or cardiovascular conditions.
  • Assisting and/or performing surgery which may include complex surgical interventions.
  • Prescribing medication to treat heart and/or cardiovascular problems.
  • Providing support and advice to patients, and their parents, receiving long-term care.
  • Conducting research on heart and cardiovascular diseases, disorders, and abnormalities affecting children.

Pediatric Cardiologist Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in biology, physical sciences, or a related field.
  • Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree.
  • 3 to 7 years’ internship and clinical residency training, specializing in pediatrics.
  • Successful completion of a fellowship program in pediatric cardiology.
  • Successful completion of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).
  • Certification by The American Board of Pediatrics in pediatric cardiology.
  • Valid and active medical license in the state you wish to practice.
  • Meticulous attention to detail.
  • Wonderful bedside manner.
  • Excellent communicator who can empathize with patients.