How To Get Rid Of Ants With Ant Repellents

Proven Ways to Get Rid of Ants in Your Apartment

You’re cooking up your favorite recipe in your apartment when all of a sudden – ants. You see ants lining up all over your counters and no matter how many you get with the so-called killer spray, they keep coming.

Clean, clean, clean

Before you start any method to get rid of ants, you’ll need a blank slate. This seems obvious, but sometimes, a few unseen food crumbs or small spills can be the culprit. Spend a weekend afternoon deep cleaning your apartment – sweep and mop all corners, take out the trash, clean out the inside of your trash can and clear out all food from counters. Lastly, spray any places where you’ve seen ants before – yes, they leave a scented trail for others to follow – with a one part vinegar with three parts water mixture in a spray bottle.

Lemon juice

Lemons are incredibly useful beyond cooking. They can be used for cleaning as well as deterring ants from setting up shop in your kitchen. Squeeze a few lemons into a spray bottle and find any holes and cracks around your apartment where the ants may be sneaking through, followed by sealing them with caulk. The acid deters them as it messes with their tracking and encourages them to go elsewhere.

Cinnamon oil

Grab a Q-tip dipped in high-concentrated cinnamon oil and draw borders around the apartment’s entry points and common areas where the ants are entering the home. It’s been proven by a 2014 study that it helps repel and even exterminate ants.

Peppermint oil

Grab a bottle of peppermint essential oil and add about 15 to 20 drops (plus a few of lemon oil if you have it) into half a cup of water in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle hard to mix everything and spray along the baseboards, any ant trail spots you’ve seen in the past and all entry points. Repeat every few days until the ants are gone. Peppermint also deters other pests like cockroaches – and even mice.


Homemade Pesticides to Get Rid of Ants

An infestation of ants can make spending time in and around your garden a less-than-pleasant experience. These pests can also damage your plants by disturbing their roots and protecting other insect pests like aphids, which feed on the plants. Instead of spraying your plants with potentially toxic insecticides, use natural remedies to rid your garden of them. Most of these natural pesticides contain ingredients you probably already have in your home.

Citrus Oil

Citrus oil, including orange and lemon oil, is toxic to ants and won’t harm your garden plants. Many natural insecticides contain orange oil, but you can make your own using 3/4 cup of orange essential oil, 1 tablespoon of molasses, 1 tablespoon of dish soap and 1 gallon of water, recommends

Spray the mixture on and around garden plants to get rid of the ants in your garden and in your home. If you don’t have orange oil, simply boil the rinds of five or six oranges in water for 15 minutes until soft. Place the rinds in a food processor along with the liquid used to boil them, to create a slurry that you can pour around your garden plants.


While you can purchase insecticidal soaps to kill ants in your garden, make your own instead, using simple dish soap. Add 1 teaspoon of dish soap to 1 pint of warm water and stir. Spray the soapy water directly on plants and around your garden to eliminate ants. Because ants don’t like peppermint oil, you can also use a liquid soap, such as castile soap, containing peppermint oil and mix it with water in the same ratio to rid the garden of ants. If ants persist, you can increase the amount of detergent in your mixture, but too much detergent may harm your plants because it is phytotoxic in large amounts.

Borax Bait

Create homemade ant bait using borax, which is toxic to ants. Combine 1/2 teaspoon of borax with equal parts honey and a sugar substitute, recommends the Sonora Environmental Research Institute. Spoon the mixture into open bottles or jars and place the containers on their sides around your garden plants. The ants will crawl into the containers, carrying the toxic bait back to their queen, and the colony will die. You can also mix 3 cups of water with 1 cup of sugar and 4 teaspoons of borax. Dip bread in the mixture and cover it with peanut butter.


Ant behaviour

These tiny insects live in well-organized societies and have a knack for making life a little less pleasant.

Field or pavement ants

Field or pavement ants are brown or black and small in size. They are constantly looking for food and thrive in sandy areas, generally nesting outdoors near house foundations or in cracks in foundations and asphalt surfaces and between paving stones. You can spot these types of ants by the sand craters they leave behind as they dig their tunnels.

Carpenter ants

Carpenter ants are usually black, with hints of red or brown, and measure from 7 mm to 10 mm (0.3 to 0.4 in) in length. They are the largest ants found. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood. They dig galleries in wood softened by moisture to build their nests. Their natural habitat is forested areas, but some colonies settle near houses, especially in stacks of firewood, in tree stumps or in the rotting structures of fences, porches or balconies.

Are ants useful or bothersome?

In the forest, ants are a source of food for various birds and animals.

They contribute to the decomposition of trees and stumps and stir up soil by tunnelling.

Carpenter ants may be a sign of a moisture problem in a house and of a weakening of its structure. Observing where the ants gather can help pinpoint the problem

There a number of simple things you can do to deter ants.

  1. Outside

Get rid of any waste wood on your property, and store any firewood away from the house.Cliquer pour ouvrir la boîte d’information supplémentaireCliquer pour ouvrir la boîte d’information supplémentaire

Cut back any tree branches that are touching the house.

Repair any cracks, including gaps around doors and windows.

  1. Inside

Put screens on all doors and windows and repair them as needed.

Keep food in tightly sealed contenants.

Keep the kitchen floor and counters clean.

Empty your kitchen trash bin frequently.

Inspect high-moisture areas of the house, wood structural elements that are exposed to the outside, and areas where wood touches the ground.


Guide to Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants can damage any type of building by tunneling through wood pieces. They nest in damp or rotten wood. They don’t actually eat the wood they tunnel through; they live on food, insects, and even candy. However, these insects can cause severe damage to your home’s foundation and are difficult to get under control after they infest an area.

What Do Carpenter Ants Look Like

Have you ever taken a walk around the neighborhood and noticed those abnormally large black ants that sometimes have wings? Chances are you’ve just bumped into a carpenter ant. Carpenter ants are one of the easier kinds of ants to spot due to their dark color and large bodies

Their sizes range from ¼ to ½ of an inch, making them one big ant to deal with.

Their color is typically dark, most common is black.

Male and female swarmer carpenter ants will have a set of wings, but the queen and worker ants do not.

These ants have a heart-shaped head, rounded thoraxes, and larger abdomens.

Like all ants, carpenter ants will have six legs and two antennae.

Where Do Carpenter Ants Live?

Carpenter ants love moist wood although, in a pinch, they will seek shelter in dry wood. Places like kitchens and bathrooms make a great home for these pests as leaky faucets from sinks and bathrooms provide them with all the moisture they need. They are also known to make homes near poorly sealed window frames and chimneys, as well as by any roof leaks.

Carpenter Ants vs Termites

Did you know that carpenter ants can cause more damage than termites? Although carpenter ants do not eat the wood, they will chew wood so that they can create tunnels. You can tell the difference between carpenter ants and termites by looking at their wings, color, waist, and antennae.


How to Get Rid of Ants

While there are wide range of do-it-yourself products available in the market to get rid of ants, an effective control requires a professional pest control service to manage the infestation and minimize recurrence.

Getting Rid of Ants in Your Home

Although many homeowners struggle with do-it-yourself ant control remedies, the results are often less than satisfactory. Small problems can develop into large ones and this is when many people seek out the services of a pest control professional.

experienced service technicians have identified the ants species, they will provide you with our most effective solutions to deal with them efficiently. This gives you reassurance that the problem is in good control while ensuring the safety of your family and pets. Once the ants have been dealt with, you can take necessary precautions to keep ants away for good

Getting Rid of Ants in Your Business Premises

Professional ant control service is the most effective way to get rid of ant infestation from your business. Besides treatment using pesticides,

expert will follow the PEST approach to ensure your long-term protection:

Partnership – Cooperation with clients and sharing of roles in pest management is crucial

Education and Exclusion – Talks and education materials to enforce general good housekeeping practices to remove food debris and spillages with recommendations on proofing potential entry points such as wall cracks and crevices

Sanitation – Proper waste disposal process and sanitation to reduce infestation

Treatment – Use of the correct ant control treatment for your individual circumstances

Some Tips On The Control Of Wasps And Removing Wasps Nests

How to Find a Wasp’s Nest and What to Do Next

If you’ve noticed a high number of wasps in a particular area recently, there is a good chance that there’s a nest somewhere close by.

Wasps, unlike bees, are a very unwelcome sight in any home or garden and are known for being a great deal more aggressive than their honey-making ‘cousins’. They are able to sting multiple times and will defend their nests against anything deemed a disturbance.

Ordinarily, attacking humans isn’t a common activity for a wasp, but when the nest becomes overcrowded and the temperature rises, they can become extremely agitated and will sting with little provocation

How do you find the nest?

Wasps will often build their nests in trees, inside lofts, on the edges of roofs and in sheds or garages. If you’re particularly unlucky, the nest may actually be inside your home. There have been reports of them being found in the corners of quieter rooms and even inside wardrobes.

It’s imperative that you locate the nest as soon as possible to ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones. To do this, spend some time observing the flight patterns of the wasps. You should begin to notice them coming and going from a single location. If you follow them back to the source, you should see the nest.


A Guide to Finding Wasps Nest in Your Property

Common Paper Wasps are the most widespread wasp variety found in Melbourne. The life cycle of a wasp begins in the late spring when the days start to warm. The queen chooses a nest site and starts building the nest by shredding wood. When she chews the wood, her saliva turns into a wax-type material which helps to build the nest. Then, the queen wasp starts laying eggs inside these cells. The eggs will hatch and she will forage for food to feed the larvae. By midsummer, the larvae becomes adult, making the nest densely populated. In late summer and early autumn, fertile females and drones are produced.

Common Paper Wasps offer some ecological benefits such as pollination, parasitism, and predation. However, wasps can give you a painful sting as it becomes very offensive particularly in autumn. Since Common Paper Wasp nest are commonly found in a residential area, people might start to notice the increasing presence of wasps and unintentional interference to their nest is often unavoidable. They won’t tolerate any interference to their nest and many people in Melbourne get stung by wasps

Is It A Wasp or A Bee?

Bees (especially honey bees) and wasps are often mistaken for one another. While both are capable of stinging people, there are some noticeable differences between them. One of them is wasps have a slender body that narrows along the waist area that is shiny sleek. On the other hand, bees have tiny hairs all over their bodies.

Where to Look for The Wasps Nests?

Wasps cover up their nests within the roof spaces or wall voids of a building, making it extremely difficult to find them. You can often find wasp nests in roof spaces, bird boxes, wall cavities, under eaves, garages and shades.

Follow the Flight Path:

As wasps return to the nest to feed their queen, you can see them leaving their nest frequently throughout the day. If you follow the flight path of the swarming wasp, you can find the nest location.


Wasp, Hornet, and Yellow Jacket Inspection Guide

There are thousands of wasp species that can be found across the United States, including yellow jackets and mud daubers. Some wasps can be beneficial to gardens as they are pollinators and natural predators of pests that eat crops. Wasps can be solitary, meaning they live alone, or social, meaning they live in a group in a nest.

What Do Wasp Nests Look Like?

Wasp nests vary depending on the species that makes them. Social wasps tend to make their nests above ground while solitary wasps mostly make their nests below ground.

Where are Wasp Nests Found?

Wasps make their nests in areas that are generally not disturbed. Solitary wasps usually make nests below ground while social wasps make their nests above ground

Above ground wasp and hornet nests can be found in the following places:

In trees

In bushes

Beneath decks and patios

Beneath the eaves of a house

In a crack or crevice of a house or building

Behind shutters

On or near outdoor light fixtures

On playgrounds

On mailbox stands

Inside unused grills


These Are The Tips You Need If You Hate Wasps

Even though there are plenty of things that I love about the summertime, there are a few things about it that I wish I didn’t have to endure. Because although summer brings longer days, patio weather, and family vacations, it is also responsible for sunburns, oppressive temperatures, and of course, wasps.

Wasps can be nuisance during most of the year, but they often don’t become a real problem until the late summer. That’s because late in the summer, wasp colonies stop breeding new workers and start focusing on food instead. Humans often have food that wasps want, so one thing leads to another, and someone ends up on the wrong end of a sting. (Wasps are very rude that way!)

Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps

Look For Nests

The first step to getting rid of wasps is making sure there aren’t any living in or around your home already. Take a few minutes to walk around the outside of your house, and look for holes, broken panels, and loose siding where wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets could build a nest. Make repairs to these areas ASAP.

If you discover a nest, you’ll have to spray it to kill the wasps. It’s best to do it in the early morning or late at night, and be sure to wear heavy clothing. Aim at the main opening, which is usually near the bottom of the nest. Spray a stead stream of the wasp spray for at least 10 seconds, then take refuge indoors. (If your attempt to get rid of them was unsuccessful, better to try again tomorrow!)

Put Away Food

Don’t let wasps ruin your backyard barbecue! As soon as everyone’s done eating, take a few minutes to pack up any leftovers and put the food away. The sooner you get the food covered up, the less likely you are to have wasp, yellow jacket, and hornet problems. (Oh, and make sure to keep garbage cans covered too!)


Wasp Nests

Locate Wasp Nests

Are wasps bothering you around your home, deck and garden? You might suspect there is a wasp nest somewhere but how do you find it?

If you think there is a wasp nest close by, perhaps because there are many wasps around your home or garden, here are some tips in finding the nest site so you can destroy the wasps and stay safe.

Identify the wasps – to see if they are either common, German or paper wasps and ensure they are not beneficial honey bees, bumblebees or hoverflies.

Watch the wasps – Wasps are not naturally aggressive so you can safely watch wasp activity from a few metres away. The wasps may be feeding at flowers, chewing on wooden fencing, a spill of sugary drink or other food. Once they have fed they will tend to fly in a straight line back to their nest.

Bait and watch – You can put out food/bait for the wasps such as cat food or tinned fish and they will scoop up a lump and carry it back to their nest. You may be able to follow the wasps carrying their load of bait.

Follow – After 5-10 minutes watching the wasps, you will get an idea of the direction of the nest. Follow the wasps and look for somewhere the wasps are funnelling into a hole. You may see wasps flying in the opposite direction out of the hole in search of food.

Paper wasps – paper wasps have open structure nests, often built under the eaves of houses. The hexagonal cells of the paper nest will be visible.

Stream of wasps? – Particularly on warm sunny days, a stream of wasps may be seen entering and leaving via the nest entrance. In New Zealand, the common and German wasps most often build a nest in a hollow in the ground. There will be a hole which the single entrance to the nest. The hole may be hidden in below vegetation but you may be able to identify it as the wasps will create a tunnel through the vegetation to the landing point on the ground at the entrance to the nest.

Common and German – The Common and German wasps in New Zealand are most likely to build their nests in a hollow in the ground. This is usually in a dry place that is protected from excessive heat and rain such as in a bank or under a tree stump.

When common or German wasp nest in a house or structure it is usually inside the eaves or some other place hidden from view. However, there will be a small hole, perhaps at the join between soffit and wall where the wasps land and walk inside.

How to Destroy the Wasp Nest

Destroy – To destroy the wasp nests apply NO Wasps Eliminator to the entrance, particularly where the wasps land to walk into the nest entrance. The wasp picks the powder up on their feet and carry it into the nest.

Stay Safe – Although powder insecticides help keep wasps calm, for safety apply the powder late in the day when activity is low or has stopped.

Tip for Nests in Eaves – The new NO Wasps Eliminator adheres better to surfaces. However, although it puffs upwards well, it can still be difficult to get the powder to the nest entrance. A temporary ad hoc solution is to use the dip tube from a trigger sprayer e.g. NO Bugs Super 1L RTU or other trigger bottle typically found under a kitchen sink. Clean and dry it, and it will fit neatly into the aperture of the NO Wasps Eliminator puff bottle. Push the dip tube down to the level of the powder. The puffer will now puff the powder upwards easily and the nozzle can easily be inserted into the small holes and gaps that usually constitute the entrance to the nest.

A Brief History Of Ants Farms

7 Incredible Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Ants

Ants can be very irritating little creatures. They wreak havoc on our homes and picnic areas, managing to get into food we thought for sure they couldn’t access. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come home after work to find hundreds of ants in a neat little line going to and from one of my dogs’ bowls, happily carrying bits of leftover food, that I failed to notice was there, back to their homes.

Below are 7 interesting (and a little scary) facts about ants:

  1. They’ve been around since the dinosaurs

Scientists from Florida State University and Harvard conducted a joint study of the genetics of ants from 19 subfamilies. What they discovered from this study is that it is quite possible that ants first came to life about 110 – 130 million years ago during the Cretaceous period. This, of course, also means that ants survived whatever event that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs! Hearty little critters, aren’t they?

  1. One ant species is the most venomous insect in the world

The Maricopa harvester ant has a sting that is equivalent to 12 honey bees! It’s the most common harvester ant in Arizona, but can also be found in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, Utah and Colorado. Their sting can cause incredible pain that can last for hours. They grab onto their victims with their mandibles, allowing them to sting numerous times. When they sting, they also release a pheromone that signals other ants in the area to attack. Word of advice: stay away from these ants!

  1. There are a lot more ants in the world than humans

It’s estimated that there are upwards of 10,000,000,000,000,000 ants on Earth. That means that, for every human, there are about a million ants. The total weight of all ants in the world is at least equal to, but possibly larger, than the weight of all humans.

  1. Not all ants are small

The largest ant that was ever found was a Titanomyrma giganteum fossil. This ancient ant was 2.4 inches long, with a wingspan of almost six inches! But, don’t assume there are no ants alive today that can rival this giant. Female ants of the Dinoponera subspecies can be up to 2 inches long! They can only be found in South America.

  1. Fire ants cause 5 billions dollars worth of damage in the U.S. each year

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration estimates that more than 5 billion dollars is spent annually on control, damage, and medical treatments due to red imported fire ants (RIFA). These ants are invasive pests in the U.S. that are originally from South America. These ants also cause around 750 million dollars in damage to agriculture in the U.S., which includes the cost of veterinarian bills, crop loss and loss of livestock. Phorid flies have been introduced in infested areas as a means of bio-control of RIFA.

  1. Ants practice “slavery”

This practice happens in one of two ways. One species invades another species’ nest and kills the queen. The invaded colonies’ ants are then brought back to the invader’s nest and are used as workers to feed the young. The “slaves” will eventually die out because they no longer have a queen to reproduce for them. Another way slavery happens is when workers from an invading colony steal the larvae and pupae of another colony and then raise them to be slave workers.

  1. Ants can stay alive underwater for up to 24 hours

Ants breathe through spiracles, or small holes found on their bodies, rather than lungs. So, although an ant may appear lifeless underwater, if there is enough oxygen flowing through the spiracles when the water evaporates, the ant comes back to life!


Your home is under attack

Your home is your castle, and unfortunately it’s not immune to attack…by a large army of tiny ants. An ant invasion is annoying, but it can also be dangerous to your health and your home, depending on the type of ant you’re dealing with. And as with any pest problem, you definitely shouldn’t ignore it and just hope it goes away. So, what can you do to stop this problem in its tracks? Do battle in the smartest ways possible. We got the lowdown from bug experts on how to get rid of ants and finally evict these unwanted visitors from your home, safely and easily.

Keep your home as clean as possible

How do ants know you have food, anyway? They have an extraordinary sense of smell, which they put to good use when they’re foraging and sending scout ants from the nest to search for food. Sometimes, the food source is in your home, and it only takes one ant to discover a crumb and spread the news through the colony. The big problem is that they leave behind pheromones as they scout. “When they find a new source of food, they gather a piece of it and follow the pheromone trail back to the nest,” explains Sebring. There, the colony investigates the food to determine if it’s a viable food source. If it is, a band of scouts will follow the pheromone trail back to retrieve more.


The trick to getting rid of ants for good

It’s smart to start with fastidious housekeeping. Putting a tray under the cats’ bowls is a good step, and rinsing the bowls as soon as the cats finish eating helps, too. If that isn’t enough, though, you might need to resort to pesticides — but in a smart way. Forget about using ant spray, which spreads pesticide in your home but hardly ever solves an ant problem. It just kills the ants visible at the moment, something you could also accomplish by wiping them away with a damp cloth and rinsing it out.

Slow-acting pesticides that ants don’t recognize as poison can do this. When the pesticide is mixed into sweet or fatty bait they like, foraging ants carry bits back to the nest and share it with their mates. It might take two weeks or longer, but eventually this can do in the whole colony. You can buy slow-acting pesticide for ants in bait stations enclosed in plastic, a handy, mess-free solution. But gel formulations, which come in squeezable or syringe-type tubes, are even more effective,  “Oftentimes the squeezable gel formulations are more versatile in that you can put out lots of small dabs of bait wherever ants are trailing (along cracks, edges, both horizontal and vertical surfaces, etc.),”


Quick-Killing Ant Baits

Perhaps your bait is working and you’re seeing dead ants everywhere, but that doesn’t seem to be slowing them down. There’s a chance your bait is killing the ants too quickly. This can cause a number of problems.

Quick-killing baits will do exactly that; kill quickly. Although that may sound ideal to you, it isn’t if you want to get rid of the entire ant colony. The key to successful ant removal is a slow-killing bait. You want the foraging ants to bring the bait back to the colony where the Queen(s), nest workers, and brood will eat the bait as well. If your bait is simply killing the foraging ants, that bait will never be brought back to the colony and kill it off.


Use Ant Bait Indoors

Avoid the temptation to simply use pesticides to spray visible ants marching along trails in your home. Pesticide sprays can eliminate a few visible ants, but more will quickly replace them, and you’ll never make real progress to eliminating the infestation. Instead, use these worker ants as the ticket into the colony by placing ant bait for them to carry back to the hidden nest.

Ant baits are edible materials, usually sweet, sugary carbohydrates, mixed with substances that are toxic to ants but which have minimal toxicity to animals or humans. Some ant baits are primarily made from boric acid, a natural substance that is entirely non-toxic to humans.

Ant baits can be “stations” containing granular materials or liquids that are sprayed onto surfaces. Whatever form of ant bait you use, try to place it close to visible ant trails but outside the reach of pets and children. The bait will work most effectively if you keep other surfaces clean so that the bait is the only sweet substance available to attract the ants.

Many Types Of Pest Control

Different Types of Pest Control Methods

Pest control is essential for the well-being of human health and ecology. Damage caused by pests can also affect the economy, considering how dangerous these species are for housing properties and agriculture. Depending on the type of pests, we can distinguish several different pest control methods which include biological pest control, mechanical pest control, physical pest control, poisoned bait, field burning, trap cropping and the use of pesticides. Here we are going to look into each one of the pest control methods as well as why and how they are implemented.

Ancient Pest Control Methods

Prior to all the modern pest control techniques, ancient

Egyptians used pest-destroying animals as their defense against the harmful species. The most common animal used were cats who could efficiently keep rodents away in the radius of 50 yards. Even today, owning a cat on a farm can reduce the amount of rats which can be a very cheap alternative for professional pest control methods.


The advantages and disadvantages of chemical pesticides

The use of chemical pesticides is widespread due to their relatively low cost, the ease with which they can be applied and their effectiveness, availability and stability. Chemical pesticides are generally fast-acting, which limits the damage done to crops.

Chemical pesticides have some major drawbacks, but they are still widely sold and used. We will discuss  of the disadvantages of chemical pesticides here. First, chemical pesticides are often not just toxic to the organisms for which they were intended, but also to other organisms. Chemical pesticides can be subdivided into two groups: non-selective and selective pesticides. The non-selective products are the most harmful, because they kill all kinds of organisms, including harmless and useful species. For example, there are herbicides that kill both broad-leaf weeds and grasses. This means they are non-selective since they kill nearly all vegetation.

Another disadvantage of chemical pesticides is resistance. Pesticides are often effective for only a (short) period on a particular organism. Organisms can become immune to a substance, so they no longer have an effect. These organisms mutate and become resistant. This means that other pesticides need to be used to control them.

A third drawback is accumulation. If sprayed plants are eaten by an organism, and that organism is then eaten by another, the chemicals are can be passed up the food chain. Animals at the top of the food chain, usually predators or humans, have a greater chance of toxicity due to the build-up of pesticides in their system. Gradually, however, this effect is becoming less relevant because pesticides are now required to break down more quickly so that they cannot accumulate. If they do not, they are not permitted for sale.


Organic Pest Control Method

When it comes to limit the damage caused by insects and small animals, many people go for natural methods to target only pests and not harming other plants or animals in the process. In this way, potent and efficient predator traps and baits are used to kill pests. Sodium fluoroacetate (FCH₂CO₂Na) is a biodegradable poison mixed into baits to eradicate a range of pests. It is the most cost-effective method of providing pest control over difficult territory. Other products used in organic pest control are oil sprays, parasitic nematodes, floating row covers, insecticidal soap, etc.



Got bugs? Suffering from rodents or roaches? Is your home always attractive to pests? Knowing the different types of pest control methods is highly crucial to bring back the health of your home. What are these methods we’re talking about?

Here goes the different type of pest control methods available:

Organic Pest Control

An organic or natural method is usually preferred by those who want to constrain the damage caused by small animals and insects as well as ensure the safety of their kids, pets, and plants. In this case, you might want to use bait, trap, or spray. You can add poison in your bait; otherwise, insecticidal soap, oil, sprays, etc.

Chemical Pest Control

Some organic treatments do not produce an effective result, which is why some opt for chemical pest control. You can find thousands of chemical products available for use in both residential and commercial properties. These can be in a form of solid, liquid, or aerosol. Though, keep in mind that some chemical products are very dangerous for humans and other living organisms.

Biological Pest Control

Biological is the method of using living organisms for the sole purpose of controlling the vermin population. What makes it popular is the fact that biological pest control (or bio effector) is chemical-free and extremely beneficial. It is able to control insect populations, mites, etc.

Electronic Pest Control

Thanks to the advancement of technology, picking up home pests and eliminating them permanently are made possible. Among the electronic pest control methods are electromagnetic and ultrasonic.

Electromagnetic – affects the nervous system of species various such as mice. Though, it only repels insects and rodents.

Ultrasonic – works by producing high-frequency, short-length sounds waves.

Hygiene Control

Simply putting it, a place that is clean doesn’t attract pests. It doesn’t leave food and venue for pests to grow on and breed. Hence, always practice good hygiene at the office and/or home. Clean up every after a meal, throw residue and leftover in a secured trash bin, wash the dishes, and keep all your household areas and items clean.

Get Pest Control Services

Perhaps, the most effective method to exterminate pests in your home or office. Though when choosing a pest control company, make sure the professionals are highly trained with in-depth experience in the field. This ensures you’ll be getting the most out of your dollars. In this case, Go-Forth Pest Control could be what you need!


Natural predators

This method of pest control is by no means modern. People have been using natural predators to control pest populations since the fourth century B.C. The fact that it is still in use shows how effective this method can be.

This tactic is most commonly used by gardeners seeking to control a pest population without the use of chemicals. One of the most popular applications of this method is the use of ladybugs to control, or remove, aphid infestations. However, introducing large numbers of a foreign species to an area can have the opposite effect as well.


Another popular natural pest control method used by gardeners is the use of beneficial microorganisms on plants. Unlike the use of natural predators, using microorganisms to control pests is a preemptive method. When a helpful microorganism is in a symbiotic relationship with a plant, it will actively protect the plant by deterring pests and destroying harmful bacteria and fungi.